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Book your Free Online Screening today
While we are scouting for a new location we are continuing to support our clients with ONLINE sessions.
Relaxing and effective hypnotic sessions in the comfort of YOUR home and favourite chair.
Are you sincere about making changes in your life to attain your goals?
The best way to find out what you could do with hypnosis or how it could help you is to call and schedule your free 30 minute online hypnotic screening.
With hypnosis you can achieve harmony and positive change in your life.
Before hypnosis I had no energy, no get up and go, life revolved around smoking. I became a hermit to enable the habit, secluded from family and friends. I was ashamed of the smell, on myself, my house and car. I was coughing in the mornings and my doctors and specialists all advised me to quit.
After 10+ years I have quit smoking with my first hypnosis session! I feel happy, healthy, full of life. I love myself, am proud of my decisions and it was easy to stick to them.
I now have an abundant amount of energy and after 2 - 3 days, am no longer coughing.
I have learnt to breathe, calm myself, let go and relax. I set goals and look forward to my life. It’s a new boost, I am recharged and ready to take charge of a whole new me!
I am thankful we decided to do this journey together and am proud of the changes. I look forward to new adventures with renewed energy. A new world to see and explore without the need to plan around the when and where of smoking when we arrive somewhere. We can now just relax and enjoy life.
On my third week being smoke free, my daughter and grandkids are coming for a sleepover and this means the world to me as this never happened while we were smoking!!! ~ Brenda F.
Before hypnosis I was smoking 50 cigerettes a day for 40+ years.
I procrastinated with everything, using the excuse of having a smoke before I did anything, even putting on socks. I was short of breath, and smelled of smoke. I couldn’t keep a conversation due to stopping to have a smoke.
Since hypnosis I am getting more done. I am not driving to town for a smoke run 45 - 60 min twice a week. I don’t wait till I have smoke, to do something or work on projects, cause I don’t smoke.
I drink more water and less beer. I am coughing less each day. I have more energy and an increased sex drive. And I have already saved more money than the cost of the hypnosis program
It was unexpected and supportive to receive three in person sessions as well as audios to keep and listen to when I need them.
June 24, 2024 I am 14 days smoke free and I reached into my pocket to bring out the pack so I could properly spell cigerette?? If I got the above spelling correct it was only by luck, my pockets are empty.
~ Joe N.
It's time to begin your new life with hypnosis. Allow us to assist you by increasing your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
Airdrie Hypnosis is not a medical facility and does not diagnose or treat medical conditions. We provide training in self-hypnosis for personal use. Self-hypnosis is not meant to replace medical advice.
All reviews on this website are real and documented to demonstrate positive life changes are possible through hypnosis. Each review is based on the individual clients experiences.
**Results may vary between clients, depending on age, gender, commitment to change, physical fitness ability and individual motivation.
Do you have an outcome? The result you want?
Defining that outcome in the way you would like to see it... hear it.... and feel it will help you achieve your goal.
Without a goal, you lose your opportunity to succeed.
Whether you want to eliminate weight, quit smoking or manage your stress.
Hypnosis can help you make the changes inside to achieve your goal.
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